What is JSON pointer? https://jsonpatch.com/#json-pointer
class Automerge
void json_add(const json::json_pointer& path, const json& value)
@brief add a new item with a new path, the parent path should exist
@param[in] path A json path
@param[in] value Json value to be added at the path
@note commit() should be called manually after this operation
void json_replace(const json::json_pointer& path, const json& value)
@brief replace an item at an existed path
@param[in] path A json path
@param[in] value Json value to be replaced at the path
@note commit() should be called manually after this operation.
The original item will be replaced by the new item entirely. No diff operating internal.
Change several items in an object, should call replace() separately for each item.
void json_delete(const json::json_pointer& path)
@brief delete a item(scalar or object) of an existed path
@param[in] path A json path
@note commit() should be called manually after this operation
void commit()
@brief commit a batch of operations together in a transaction
@note A user operation usually contains several Automerge operations. commit() should be called
after all add/replace/delete operations applied of one user operation.